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Nexfs Content Server (S3 API) Documentation

The Nexfs Content (S3 API) Server


Nexfs includes an integrated S3 API-compatible Content Server 

Nexfs makes the entire file name space available over the S3 API, allowing all files to be concurrently accessed over any supported protocol, including file protocols like NFS, SMB, through fuse and over the S3 API.

Nexfs maps all S3 ACLs to POSIX acls. As such, access to all files stored in nexfs is the same, no matter which protocol created or accessed the file.

In addition to the mapped POSIX acl access requirements, S3 users require action rights through an Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy. For example, to obtain a list of objects over the S3 API, the user must have permission to perform the s3:ListBucket action.

A user must have POSIX Acl access and the relevant IAM action when accessing files as objects (or creating objects) over the S3 API.

Content server users are managed using the nexfs management API or using the Nexfs Management console. The same user account can be granted both Nexfs management access and content server Identity and Access Management (IAM) access policy.

By default, the nexfs content server S3 API is accessed over https port 9300

The content server port can be configured through the advanced configuration section in the management console or by changing the CONTENTWEBSERVERPORT setting using the management API.

The content server requires a https connection by default, but can be reconfigured to use http by setting CONTENTWEBSERVERHTTPSENABLED to 0 using the management API or the advanced configuration section of the managment webconsole

By default the content webserver uses a default Nexfs self signed SSL certificate, you can load your own certificate using the certificates section of the management webconsole, or through the management API.

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