Nexfs Management API Documentation
Method Index
Retrieving a director and file listings from Nexfs using the Management API
Action: GetDirectoryListing
Request a directory listing and optionally file listing for the specified directory.
For a directory only listing the requesting session must have the nexfs/ListDirectories role enabled.
To retrieve a directory and file listing the requesting session must have the nexfs/ListFiles role enabled.
Request Parameters
A request must be made against the nexfs management console api with the GetConfig action.
The request must be signed with a valid AWS V4 style Signature using an active temporary session security token.
The directory (the request directory) from within the Nexfs filesystem to list directories and files from.
(Optional) Mode can be set to 0 (default) or 1
If the request mode is set to 0 then only directories contained in the requested directory returned
If the request mode is set to 1 then both directories and files are returned
If mode is not included, the request defaults to directory listing only.
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP1/1 200
"directory entry string":
"Type": "string"
, ...
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in json format by the service.
The directory listing containing label.
directory entry string
Each entry is a string representing the name of a folder or file within the request directory
Either "dir" for a directory or "file" for a file entry
Also See Rest Error Responses
400 BadRequest The request was Malformed
A BadRequest is returned if BaseDir is missing from the request
400 BadRequest The requested directory does not exist
No entry matching the requested BaseDir exists within the Nexfs filesystem
401 Unauthorized The request cannot be authenticated
403 Forbidden Session does not have the rights to perform the requested action
500 InternalServerError An Internal Error was encountered
Example Request
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=aafce8a974554b5fa9fa7da6c2bef1d2/20220823/nexfs/nexfsconsoleapi/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=6354e5c9224ad95eb4f2504e1803660b441288e3d779d0aeb3278867af053204
x-amz-date: 20220823T210253Z
Example Mode 0 Response
"Listing": {
"sampledirectory": {
"Type": "dir"
,"afolder": {
"Type": "dir"
,"bfolder": {
"Type": "dir"
Example Mode 1 Response
"Listing": {
".fileabc.txt": {
"Type": "file"
,"1GB": {
"Type": "file"
,"1GB-2": {
"Type": "file"
,"golf": {
"Type": "file"
,"sampledirectory": {
"Type": "dir"
,"introviedo.mp4": {
"Type": "file"
,"afolder": {
"Type": "dir"
,"bfolder": {
"Type": "dir"