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Nexfs Management API Documentation

Method Index


Retrieving the NFS export configuration Nexfs Management API

Action: GetNFSExports

Request a copy of the current NFS exports configuration


To retrieve the nexfs nfs export configuration a requesting session must have the nfs/GetNFSExports role enabled.

Request Parameters

A request must be made against the nexfs management console api with the GetNFSExports action.

The request must be signed with a valid AWS V4 style Signature using an active temporary session security token.



Request Body

The request does not have a request body.

Response Syntax

HTTP1/1 200


"nfsexports": [{

"exportdir": "string",

"enabled": integer,

"auth": "string",

"secsys": integer,

"seckrb5": integer,

"seckrb5i": integer,

"seckrb5p": integer,

"rw": integer,

"async": integer,

"nowdelay": integer,

"squash": integer,

"anonuid": integer,

"anongid": integer,

"securelocks": integer,

"subtree_check": integer,

"rootexport": integer


, ...


Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

See the NFS Export Configuration Parameters section of NFS Configuration and Management for a description of response elements and accepted values.


Also See Rest Error Responses

401 Unauthorized The request cannot be authenticated

403 Forbidden Session does not have the rights to perform the requested action

500 InternalServerError An Internal Error was encountered

Example Request


Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=347768d3ae58427580834cbb448a1958/20220823/nexfs/nexfsconsoleapi/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=2d456bd8c31bcc22a604c047e49ae70b00806f8b57899b6579165c4352d2a2d5

content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8


x-amz-date: 20220823T165710Z

Example Response


"nfsexports": [


"exportdir": "/glen/glen1/glen2/glen3/glen4/glentop",

"enabled": 1,

"auth": "0",

"secsys": 0,

"seckrb5": 0,

"seckrb5i": 0,

"seckrb5p": 0,

"rw": 0,

"async": 0,

"nowdelay": 0,

"squash": 0,

"anonuid": 0,

"anongid": 0,

"securelocks": 0,

"subtree_check": 0,

"rootexport": 0



"exportdir": "/",

"enabled": 1,

"auth": "1",

"secsys": 1,

"seckrb5": 1,

"seckrb5i": 1,

"seckrb5p": 1,

"rw": 1,

"async": 1,

"nowdelay": 1,

"squash": 1,

"anonuid": 1,

"anongid": 1,

"securelocks": 1,

"subtree_check": 1,

"rootexport": 1



"exportdir": "/bfolder",

"enabled": 1,

"auth": "*",

"secsys": 1,

"seckrb5": 0,

"seckrb5i": 0,

"seckrb5p": 0,

"rw": 1,

"async": 0,

"nowdelay": 0,

"squash": 0,

"anonuid": -1,

"anongid": -1,

"securelocks": 1,

"subtree_check": 1,

"rootexport": 0




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